Interview with John David Mann the Co-author of “The Go-Giver”

This week I really enjoyed watching the video which I have shared below.  My friends Chris and Susan Beesley interviewed John David Mann who is the co-author of the international bestseller The Go-Giver.

Mann is an award-winning author whose titles also include the New York Times bestseller The Red Circle, The Latte Factor, Flash Foresight, Nautilus Award winner A Deadly Misunderstanding, Taiwan’s Golden Book Award for Innovation the You Call the Shots.

The Go-Giver tells the story of an ambitious young man named Joe who yearns for success. Joe is a true go-getter, though sometimes he feels as if the harder and faster he works, the further away his goals seem to be.

One day, desparate to land a key sale at the end of a bad quarter, he seeks advice from the enigmatic Pindar, a legendary consultant referred to by many devotees sinply as the Chairman. Over the next week, Pindar introduces Joe to a series of successful ‘go-givers’ who teach him how to open himself up to the power of giving.

Joe learns that changing his focus from getting to giving – putting others’ interests first and continually adding value to their lives – ultimately leads to unexpected results.

This book had been recommended to me by several people but I admit I had never read it. However the interview was so interesting that I immediately downloaded the book and read it in one sitting.  I’ll write about it in my next blog post on Young at Heart  Enjoy the interview!

Check out more books from John David Mann

The Go-Giver

The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea

Go-Givers Sell More

Go-Givers Sell More

Go-Giver Leader

Go-Giver Leader

Also, check out our How To Get A Good Job After 50 Book Review
