No one wants to make mistakes at an interview for a job they want.  Yet so many people jeopardize their future career by making avoidable interview mistakes that spoil their chances of getting the job.

Avoid these common interview mistakes by being aware and well prepared.

job interview mistakes can be avoided

Interview mistake #1: Lack of company research

Don’t attend an interview without preparation. Research all you can about the company. Yes…. mission, vision, number of employees form a part of this. But you could do better by studying the sector in which the company is doing business. Companies these days look for candidates who think out of the box. Be prepared to mention about how the industry as a whole is performing. Do not limit yourself to mission, vision. Everyone talks about those aspects of the business. Be different.

Interview Mistake #2: I am a Perfectionist

Do not give the impression that you are a perfectionist. You can indicate that you like to do a job to the best of your ability, but don’t try to seem perfect. Be truthful.

Interview Mistake #3: Focussing only on what you did

These days companies are looking for people who are team players. Therefore bragging about your individual achievements will not yield the desired results. Tell them how you have exhibited your talents in a complementary skilled team of individuals and how you managed to succeed with the help of your team.

Interview Mistake #4: Not ending with a conversation

Often interviewees do not seek clarification or ask questions of the interviewer. An interview is a perfect platform for you to ask about the organizational structure and other company-related information. So come out of your shell and show you are interested in matters that are related to the company.

Interview Mistake #5: Focussing only on the JOB

Most candidates only refer to their previous jobs when answering questions. If your personal interests or talents are relevant to the job for which you are being interviewed, and if your previous jobs haven’t really demonstrated this, then bring this into the conversation.

Interview Mistake #6: Tense and Nervous

The last thing an interviewer wants is an uptight employee. If you seem overly nervous you will not give an impression of competence. Show your confidence by speaking firmly on points. Give examples of how your achievements with pride but not arrogance. If you are likely to be exceptionally nervous make sure you prepare well for the interview to give you greater confidence.

Interview Mistake #7: Rambling during the interview

Do not wander away from questions that the interviewer has asked. Do not provide unrelated answers. Definitely do not make up answers if you don’t know an answer. Prepare for the interview thoroughly so you can respond using the STAR formula or similar.

Interview Mistake #8: No followup

After the interview make contact with the interviewer. Send a follow up note thanking them for their time and mention how excited you are with regard to the job. Interviewers are people too and everyone likes to be appreciated.

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