Sieze The Day...Live Life Your Way!
Young at Heart encourages Baby Boomers to live their lives the way they want to live it, with purpose, fulfilment and fun, choosing their lifestyle and activities according to their own unique way of thinking and being.
Young at Heart acknowledges the many directions that each person can take in their lives, empowering and exciting directions, according to the stage of life that they are currently experiencing.
Our goal is to help people sing the song that is in their heart, then let the whole world hear it.
The trouble with wanting to "sing the great song that is in your heart" is that it often costs more money than you can afford!
Having enough retirement savings is a problem for a huge proportion of the baby boomer generation. After years of omitting financial and business topics from this blog we are now sharing what we have personally been doing all along....creating an online business to supplement our retirement income. Therefore you will notice that we have a new section which is all about learning how to build an online business, with first class business education available to you.
The site has a history of articles about careers, lifestyle and travel, with genuine professional career assistance peppered with a good smattering of lifestyle and travel posts. Now we are also posting regularly about aspects of creating an online business.
BoomersNextStep considers many ways in which you can enrich your future life and live the lifestyle that you desire.
BUSINESS : Developing an online business and creating a Laptop Lifestyle, so you can live the "retirement" life you want but with an economic purpose.
CAREER : Job search, resumes, interviews and age discrimination against older workers.
RETIREMENT PLANNING: Planning for a retirement lifestyle that is ideal for you (and ideal for your partner, which can be challenging!)
LIFESTYLE :Enjoying life to the, relationships, "toys", music, books etc
OUR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES assist clients to make business,career, lifestyle and retirement planning decisions, with professional and experienced coaching.
Boomers' Next Step History
Bill Vick
BoomersNextStep was purchased by Clarity Connections Pty Ltd in 2013, and had been created and developed initially by Bill Vick, a well respected career and recruitment strategist from USA. I would like to acknowledge the outstanding work he put into this site, the excellent content he developed and the great interviews he conducted, all still highly valued posts on this site.
Jenni and David Proctor
We now own and manage the site.In the early 1990's I assisted David through a turbulent career change, and this gave me a great interest in career change and career development. I then underwent my own complete career transition, from teacher librarian to career professional, doing a Master of Career Development whilst working full time, with three teenagers at home. Yes, I now acknowledge that was fairly mad!
I won national awards in career education area early in my career, but then developed a special interest in assisting older workers to recognise how they can make the most of their lifetime of experiences and skills, love their work and enjoy life.
We are the proud parents of three great young adults, and the unashamedly besotted Nanna and Poppy to three darling little girls. David and I have bucked the usual trend and have been married since 1980, having met whilst travelling in Europe. I believe if you can travel with someone you can get through most dramas in life together!
David is actively involved with now that he has retired, but his work is mainly behind the scenes, and with lots of time free to go sailing.:-) Last year he sailed to and around the Great Barrier Reef with friends and is going to do the same again this year.
GUEST BLOGGERS: You are invited to write an article about Baby Boomers in Business, Careers or Lifestyle. Contact me if you would like to write for us.