career-happinessAre you seeking some career happiness? Do you crave some satisfaction from the work you do every day?

Being unhappy at work is related to many different factors. It’s not just about whether you like the actual work. If the culture of the organisation, the people, or the style of management upset you then you will not be content.

Which of these twelve factors are impacting your career happiness?


Do you feel stress in your work environment? What about the people around you? Is there external pressure that causes stress?

Positive work environment

Are you in a positive work environment? Are people supportive of one another? Or is there an element of bullying or other unpleasant interactions?


Is productivity encouraged and enabled? Productivity increases positivity but environments where you can’t get your work done properly can be very unsettling.

Fair wages

Do you feel you receive a fair wage? Even if you love your job you still need to be paid appropriately.

Safety and security

Are safety and security prioritised?  If you are working in a dangerous environment there will be many workplace health and safety requirements in place.  But what about your personal safety leaving or ariving at work after dark? Are there other situations at work in which you feel insecure?


Everyone needs some sort of mental stimulation the work they do.  Are you actively encouraged to be fully engaged in your work?


Are you able to have your say?  Are there clear communication processes you can use to express your opinion?  Can you be part of decision making that impacts your working conditions or work load?


Is your workplace a healthy environment for you to be in?  Are there clean facilities, good air ventilation, and an expectation that you can take sick leave when you are feeling ill?


Does the workplace have a balanced attitude to their demands on your time?  Are boundaries clear and respected?

Room for growth

Do you feel that there is room for you to grow in knowledge and experience in this workplace? Is there encouragement and opportunity to study and expand your skills?

Honesty and integrity

Is there a culture of honesty and integrity?  Security and trust grow in an honest environment.


Do bosses and co-workers treat one another with respect at all levels of the company? Is disrespect or harassment of any sort not tolerated.