I have created a program, Career Reno to help you get the job you want. Career Reno is a way of sharing my experience with many people at once, after years of helping older workers to make career transitions.

Too many older workers are unsuccessful in their attempts to get a new job or find work when they are unemployed. They submit resumes that do not represent what they can contribute. When they don’t get the jobs they apply for a negative cycle commences.  It affects their self esteem and confidence. Age discrimination is blamed, rather than recognising that their job search strategies are contributing to the problem.

I looked at the comments posted on older workers’ Facebook pages, and saw the same pattern repeated.

Why I can’t get the job I want…

Older man and woman looking unhappy

  • “No-one wants to employ you once you are over 50.”
  • “A younger manager won’t employ me.”
  • “Employers don’t appreciate the skills and experience of older workers.”
  • “The Government isn’t doing enough to help us.  The government organisations don’t help.”
  • “No one loves me everybody hates me, think I’ll go eat worms.”

Well OK, that last one never really popped up, but they all started to read just like that old children’s song.

Not getting a job was always blamed on something external.

Are you doing this to yourself?

What these people did not seemed to recognise was that they were doing this to themselves!  They were doing the same things over and over and getting the same results….No job.

I created this program to bring together all the main success strategies in a simple format. You can work through the program at your own pace.  By doing this program you could turn things around and give yourself a really good chance of job success.

From good to great

This program can take your career prospects from good to great.  When you consciously use good job search strategies you will find that the process is so much easier.

People would also benefit greatly from enrolling in the program if they are stuck in unemployment or unhappy employment.

Developing and managing a successful career can be hard work for anyone at any level. Career Reno is not for those who think it should be handed to them on a plate with whipped cream on top 🙂

7 tips to help older workers get the job you want


7 tips that older workers need to know to get the job you want

So, acknowledging that the people who really need this message probably won’t be the ones reading it, here are my seven main tips for those who want to get a job they want and will find really fulfilling.

  1. Understand the reality of what is going on for you, right now, so you can avoid the same problems. Is it the work itself, the type of organisation or the industry/profession that is making you unhappy?  Or is it a clash with an individual, or a style of management that you don’t like?
  2. Know what you DO want, and have a clear vision of your future.
  3. Have a deep appreciation of what you can offer and be able to articulate it.
  4. Recognise what is going on in your mind that may be causing you problems eg lack of confidence, negativity, self-sabotage.
  5. Find out and use the strategies that are currently working best for resumes, interviews and networking. You must tailor your resume for every job application.
  6. Present yourself and your self-marketing in a way that is congruent with how you want to be perceived.
  7. Always look and plan ahead, keeping your resume and networking current and dynamic, even when you are happily employed.  You never know when a great opportunity might arise.

Are you over 50 and is looking for a career change? You can get the job that you want. Contact me >>> Career Reno can help you.