There are 10 job search mistakes often made by older workers which cause them to miss out on opportunities for work that they want. This article will outline them for you, but first…
Let’s not blame everything on age discrimination
It’s easy to blame age discrimination, but consider if you could be causing your own employment problems? Many older workers make basic job search mistakes that lead to them being overlooked. The result is they have to live with the consequences of being stuck in a job that they hate, underemployment, or unemployment.
One woman’s story: Could this be you?
Today I had a phone call from a past client, a lovely capable woman who is currently unemployed. She left her job because of serious bullying issues that management refused to address. Rather than “make a fuss” she chose to leave a workplace that she found stressful and unhappy.
Her dream is modest. She wants a job that enables her to prove her worth. Ideally, she’d like to be given further opportunities for responsibility and some training. She is keen to grow in skills and confidence and to add value to the company.
Unable to find work
She knows what she would love to do but is unable to find work opportunities that lead to that role. Her dreams are not unrealistic. She is prepared to work below her level of experience to get a foot in the door.
However, her work history does not show a steady commitment to a couple of companies. On the contrary she has changed jobs quite a lot, a combination of personal circumstances and leaving work when she found she was unhappy. Yet this woman isn’t a quitter. She is determined that she will find the work that suits her, that she suits, and where she can give great value.
Many people are in this situation
This is not an unusual situation. There are many people, hidden from the jobless figures, who are unemployed or underemployed but don’t want to be in this situation.
Many ask, seeming not to expect a positive answer, “Are there any jobs for over 50 women or men?” They are unaware that their own job search mistakes are getting in the way of their success.
What were the classic mistakes she was making?
I have analysed her situation, her resume and cover letter, and observed the following 10 classic mistakes being made.