Being made redundant is not just about money and what money can buy. It is often the psychological effect which takes the biggest toll. One moment you know who you are and what you do and what you mean to other people, and then in a flash it can feel as if you are nobody.

So, How to Cope With Being Made Redundant?

Who are you now?

What do you do with your time? Who needs you or values you? Your own sense of self is inevitably tied up with your job; it is one of your major roles in life. You spend more waking hours at work than you do at home. Many people discover that it was their job which defined to them who they are – or rather, who they were.

In facing redundancy, you as a person feel redundant; you feel unwanted, unloved and worthless. For a while you may feel angry and fight against the unfairness of business in the modern day. But once that anger wears off you can be left with this feeling of being lost. You have lost your sense of purpose and achievement, but more than all of that the thing which hurts the most is the loss of your very sense of self.

Support network

If you are lucky you will have a strong and supportive family environment and so at least you know that one part of your life is still ok; you know that you are loved, valued and respected at home. You are still the well loved mum or dad, brother or sister, son or daughter. You maintain that identity and this helps you to retain a partial sense of who you are.

But this is not the case for some unlucky people who are being made redundant and who do not have that support. This makes redundancy doubly hard to bear. The feeling of being alone is not one which humans relish. It is important to remain, or to become, as involved as possible with groups of supportive people; you have to make the effort to do this, otherwise you will withdraw into a shell and your world will become a very small place indeed.

Sometimes it is difficult to step out and involve yourself with others; in fact, this will always be the case to someone who is struggling with a loss of their own identity. As confidence plummets it becomes more difficult to mix with others. Thus the most important thing of all when being made redundant is to do whatever is in your power to maintain and build your confidence.

Your own inner voice

You will often find that your own thoughts are sabotaging your confidence; you can hear your own inner voice telling yourself that you are worthless, or no good, or that it is not worth the effort. It is absolutely essential that you stamp down upon this depreciating voice, and replace it with a soothing and encouraging dialogue which will empower you to move on and rise to better things.

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

This may well be your opportunity to build your own confidence. To discover who you really are and to move on to your real and true purpose in life. Every cloud does have a silver lining, so long as you allow yourself to see it. You will only open your eyes to see a shimmer of silver by opening your ears and your mind to encouraging thoughts.

About the Author: Roseanna Leaton

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