Your income funds your lifestyle. When you stop work as an employee, or close a business, that money stops. Then you have to rely on your investments. You’ve always known this was going to happen. But such is the nature of we humans that it can still come as a bit of a jolt when you retire. Suddenly your stream of income has stopped.
For much of our working lives our generation has been putting money aside for retirement. Compulsory Superannuation in Australia commenced in 1992. Before that many people were paying into superannuation funds through their employer.
For the majority of people, even if you have been diligent about saving and have your superannuation well managed, your income won’t be the same as before you retired.
Are you completely happy with the income that you currently have? Can you do anything to boost your income?
Young at Heart encourages our readers and clients to start by considering what really matters to them in their future lifestyle. With that awareness you can plan how to create a lifestyle that fulfills you. This does not mean that everyone will be able to live like millionaires! Realistically most people can’t have every element of the lifestyle they would like. But it does mean that you can build in aspects of your desires to create a fulfilling enjoyable life that you enjoy.
Not enough income? Young at Heart encourages you to consider how you could create an income stream through some business venture, and guides you through the process.
Visit Retirement Income, Learn About Online Business or Start A Business to read more about how you can increase your income.
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