In today’s job market, it would seem that no career path is as straight as it used to be. But some careers do survive, and here are a few tips on how to find the top recession-proof career opportunity.

Top Recession-Proof Career Opportunity Tip #1:

Do your research, whether online or through community immersion. You can get a good glimpse of the businesses that are still thriving despite the economic slump. It won’t even take you hours to find out which careers are booming, but you do have to be discriminating. There are a lot of articles that will tell you that this or that job makes a lot more money, but unless you are planning on a career change, that information is absolutely useless to you.

A better search would be to look at career or job offers and examine their viability and adaptability. The perfect example for this is the growing number of home-based businesses, despite the fact that a lot of other retail stores are closing.

Top Recession-Proof Career Opportunity Tip #2:

Examine your needs, and compare these with what is available in the market. Stick with the basics, like what you need to be more efficient or a service that is vital to you and how much you think these services are worth. On one side of the coin, you can also compare what other people will need with what you can offer, or find a resource at a price you think is reasonable. Compare those with what is available in the market, and you might find a business opportunity.

Top Recession-Proof Career Opportunity Tip #3:

Be aware of growing trends, both locally and globally. In the early ’90s when computers hit the market for the first time, it started a technological trend that has gone on until now. In early 2000, it was all about software. Amazingly, these ideas are now being used to follow another trend, and this is the trend of going “green.” Looking at the bigger picture and following the depletion of the oil reserves, this seems like a sustainable trend.

An industry that incorporates the use of computer technology and “green” trends is the stay-at-home business industry. They are also very competitive because of the fact that the trends lower their operational costs and thus, lower their prices. Most of these businesses also provide services or products that will always be part of the spectrum of human interest, like health, recreation, food, and a bit of luxury. Those are just a few tips on how to find the top recession-proof career opportunity that would not entail you turning your life upside-down to get in on.

Successful Entrepreneur Art Basmajian is a Direct Marketing Specialist and Certified Home Business Consultant. Art advises Entrepreneurs and Home Business Owners using cutting-edge social marketing strategies to explode their online businesses.

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