If I were to ask you whether you wanted your business to grow and thrive, you would say yes, right?  And if I suggested you are blocking your own business success you’d probably be upset with me!

But far too often I find that though you may have the right strategies for growth, there are other factors blocking you from achieving your goals.

Are You Unconsciously Blocking Your Business Success?

Invisible mental traps are blocking your business success!

The problem is, they are invisible! So how the heck do you clear them when you can’t see them? The answer lies in becoming aware of them and using proven principles to lead you to freedom.

Here are the three traps I most commonly see and how to overcome them:

Trap 1: I don’t really believe I deserve success – or that I can really achieve it.

Despite the best external statements and affirmations that “I deserve success,” no one else in my family (or immediate circle) has achieved what I want. Can I really do it?

First, comparing yourself to others is not a productive exercise – with one exception. If seeing someone else demonstrating success helps you create a picture of it, then it’s a great inspiration! A mentor can be exactly that: someone who is a few steps ahead of you on your path, that can help guide you along toward your goal. Subconsciously believing you don’t deserve success is a common way of blocking your business success. 

Trap 2: I am afraid that success might require too much of me.

Will you have to change some habits – and maybe even some of your friends – if you reach a new level of success? Yes, you might!

There is a spiritual principle that you must let go of the lesser to make room for the greater. If you are not prepared to do that – one step at a time, as you are led to do so – then you will continue to experience more of the lesser in your life.

Successful entrepreneurs invest in themselves through mentoring, learning, coaching, and personal growth so that they can uplevel by quantum leaps instead of incremental steps. If you are ready to “go for it” – and really feel that within your body and emotions – then it will be easier to let go of what no longer serves you. 

Trap 3: I might upset someone important to me if I really got successful, so it’s safer to block my business success.

Around 5.1% of the Australian population and less than 6 percent of the U.S. population is making $100,000 or more in income. (Yes, there is a big difference in value of the US Dollar and the AU Dollar, but $100,000 is a common goal in both countries.) So if you aspire to that goal or more, you will need to do the exact opposite of what most of those around you do. Yes, you will probably encounter jealousy, even from those closest to you.  Keep yourself focused on what you are trying to achieve and it will make it easier to ride through those difficult times. 

One of the best ways to surround yourself with support when faced with this dilemma. When you’re about to have “that conversation” with a spouse, friend or other person close to you – is to have a mastermind group or mentor to whom you can go and tell them how it went. They will understand and support you!

Marcia BenchThis article is reprinted with the stated permission of Marcia Bench.

Our Guest Author: Marcia Bench publishes the widely circulated ‘Inspire!’ ezine biweekly to over 8,300 subscribers. If you’re thinking about becoming a coach, or are a coach who wants to add a new specialty or reach more people with your passionate message and services, join Marcia at www.inspiredbusinessinstitute.com.

In July 2012  I attended in Marcia’s 3 day event “Become An Inspirational Thought Leader” in Phoenix Arizona.  I found it a transformational experience, inspiring and full of best practice ideas, as well as being a lot of fun.

Read on to reinforce the concepts you have just read about blocking your business success. 

This infographic outlines the three main traps you need to avoid. All related to your own belief system about success, your worthiness for success and the toll it could have on your life and relationships.


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