Every year many people are given new pets, particularly puppies and kittens, as Christmas gifts.  Some of those animals are very fortunate and go into homes where they become part of the family.  Others are not so lucky.

Many new pets are taken to animal shelters

After the holiday period each year animal shelters get very busy. Many additional cats and dogs are brought in to them “to be given to a good home”.  Perhaps new owner didn’t want an animal or the novelty wore off.  Often it has became clear that they couldn’t look after the animal properly.

The sad reality is that many of these animals are put down because they have nowhere to go.

Could your new pet be a rescue animal?

Are you are considering a new animal companion? Perhaps now is a good time to think about getting a Rescue Animal, giving one animal a life that they wouldn’t have otherwise.

Where can you get your rescue animal?

The RSPCA is known for its work with animals in Australia.  They encourage people to adopt a new pet from their rescue animals. But there are several other organizations that are very committed to the welfare of rescue animals too.  AnimalsAustralia provides seven compelling arguments for why your new pet should be a rescue animal.  Even their images tug at your heart strings. Apparently greyhounds that have retired from racing make wonderful new pets too. If you really want to mess up your emotions for the day have a look at AnimalsAustralia’s heart-warming rescue stories.  Finally, PetRescue has created a comprehensive directory of places where you can get a rescue animal as your new pet.

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