Have you considered the career benefits of blogging, making you stand out from the crowd? Obviously your resume is an essential tool in the business world. It allows you to impress potential employers and qualify for job interviews. When posted online, it can also help you find job leads. As the job market becomes more competitive, however, you need to find ways to make your application stand out in the crowd. Creating a relevant, well-connected blog that complements your resume is a practical way to set yourself apart from the competition.
Benefits of Blogging
Blogs show that you are committed.
A well-executed blog is impressive to potential employers and colleagues alike. Maintaining a blog relevant to your career shows employers that you are serious about your chosen profession.
Blogs demonstrate your expertise.
When you tailor your blog to your career, you will often write about subjects that require specialized knowledge. If your posts are well executed and engaging, employers will be impressed.
Blogs are collaborative.
If you regularly interact with your blog’s readership, potential employers will see that you are willing to collaborate with others. They can also use the interactions to evaluate your interpersonal skills.
Employers research job candidates.
Many employers search for potential employees on the Internet in order to learn more about them. Blogging allows you a measure of control over what your potential employer sees.
Blogs are good for networking.
Job seekers often post their job skills and contact information to career-related databases and social networks in order to connect with people in their field. Creating a focused blog is a similar strategy in that it allows you to attract a readership with interests similar to yours. A benefit of blogging that is often overlooked is that when your readers are members of the same field as you, they may be able to provide you with job leads.
Tips for constructing a blog that people value
Keep it relevant.
If you want to use your blog as a career tool, you need to keep your career in mind with every post you construct. Writing about your personal life on occasion is okay, but make sure that your posts always relate to your career in some way.
Be accurate.
Potential employers who read your blog are going to evaluate your knowledge of your chosen field. Keep this in mind whenever you create a post, and do your best to ensure that your posts never contain inaccuracies.
Be interesting.
An interesting blog will attract and retain a larger readership, thus increasing the likelihood of job leads or offers. Engaging blogs are also important for demonstrating your communication skills to potential employers. If your blog is boring, your potential employer may not even read it.
Include contact information.
If you are maintaining your blog in hopes of finding job leads, include your contact information so that potential employers will be able to reach you. You should also include a link to your resume.
In today’s competitive job market, it is more important than ever to stand out when you apply for a position. Another benefit of blogging is that it highlights your talents is an excellent way to increase your marketability as an employee. In addition, creating such a blog facilitates the development of connections that can help you in your job search.
Guest Author: Lindsey Harper Mac is a professional writer living in the Indianapolis area. She specializes in writing guest posts covering social media and education on behalf of American InterContinental University. Currently, Lindsey is completing work on her master’s degree.