Are you searching for a new job?
Looking for a new job can be a challenge. Read these five strategies that can make the difference between success and disappointment with your job search.
Preparing for change
Don’t be complacent when searching for a new job
Complacency is one of the greatest enemies of mature aged workers. If you aren’t growing in your role, learning new skills, open to new and better ways of doing things, you can be sure that someone else around you will be. Often people who are caught unaware by a redundancy recognize this when it’s too late to save their job. They have not proactively adapted within their role or have not been attuned to the politics of what was happening around them.
Don’t just focus on what you don’t want
Conversely, people who want to change their career direction are often so focused on escaping from their current situation and what they DON’T want that they overlook the important point of recognizing what it is that they do want to do. [Read more…]