If you are planning on a career change after you turn 40 you’re probably shaking in your boots. Children. Homes. Bills. All of these things cause you to pause when you think about leaving your job. Yet, you’re miserable. You want a change.
Well, don’t ignore your feelings. Understand that switching careers during the middle years of your life is not a recipe for disaster. As a matter of fact, it can be a start to a great ‘new’ beginning in which you gain the type of success you’ve always dreamed of.
Here are a few steps to get you started. They’ve worked for people in the past and so they can also work for you. Do them one second, minute, month and year at a time until you reach your ultimate goal.
Prepare your brain for a career change
Even before you write your resignation letter, start saying your new title. If you’ve been working as a waitress all of your life, but want to be a writer, say it. Get your mind acquainted with the idea that you can do more than serve plates to hungry customers. It’ll be a mental preparation that will help you on the road ahead.
Research your path
Check out the best way to get into your new profession and what it really entails. Do you need to take night classes? Are jobs for that type of career available in your area? Can you do it alone or do you need a partner? How long will it take for you to transition into your new job? These questions are ones you need to ask yourself before you make any changes. Once you gather this information together, you’ll be better equipped to move forward and also know if it’s a risk you truly want to take.
Talk with a friend who supports your dream
Don’t think that you have to be a lone ranger through your process of change. Get a friend who’s on your side and supports your dream to assist you. This assistance can range from help with getting into a new position to a pep talk when you’re feeling discouraged about your new path. Either way, the support of a friend will help you move forward in your journey.
Re-write your budget
Unfortunately, most job switches will cost you money. Even if the new career you want to get into pays more, you’ll usually have to fork out some money. Think of moving costs, new clothes, a new computer etc. This is essential if you are going to be self-employed. Look at your budget and decide how much a new career is worth to you. For those of you with children and spouses, you’ll need to include them in this process. It’ll help you promote a positive family environment while you cut a few expenses.
Work steadily towards your career change
Once you done the prior four steps, just DO IT. Do something on a regular basis to propel you towards your new career until you can work in it full-time. For wanna-bee writers, that means you’ll need to write on a regular basis and submit your work. You can start with a local newspaper, magazine or even an online site like Associated Content. You’ll soon see that with each effort you move a little closer to your goal and also gain confidence.
In conclusion, making a career change after 40 is not only doable, but can be the beginning of a fabulous career. Don’t let the middle-years of your life be spent on a job you don’t really love. Switch careers if you want to and get into something that’ll make you want to get up every morning with a smile.
Our Guest Author: Courtesy Associated Content Written by Stephanie Modkins, a freelance writer who resides in the state of Washington. Her main goal is to write in a way that entertains, educates and/or uplifts readers.