Have you thought about doing freelance work to supplement your retirement income?
Do you love to voice your opinion on paper, have you always dreamed of writing a book? Do you like to voice your opinions on any and every subject that is a hot topic in the news? It does not take a journalism degree to make some money to supplement your retirement income. You are wise to the ways of the world, and have experiences, and stories to tell right? You can make a decent living if the effort is put forth to integrate your expertise and knowledge , and share all you know with the cyber world.
Supplement your retirement income by using your skills
Retirement is a dream, and although you may not fathom the reality of it with the economy , health care, and just scraping by to make ends meat, you may be surprised at what you can do. You can retire! You can make it happen by integrating your knowledge and skills into a written form to share with the entire world. There are many ways to make money on the Internet. One by writing and being a freelance writer.