Are you planning to retire?
Creating a retirement plan that suits both people in a relationship can be extremely difficult! This is probably why couples often avoid the conversation, perhaps dealing with the financial issues but not the important lifestyle matters.
Most long term relationships have their share of communication black spots. You learn to navigate around them, sharing day-to-day life comfortably but avoiding the issues that you suspect are likely to cause conflict or discomfort.
Then suddenly the concept of retirement looms. Someone asks you outright “When are you retiring?” or worse still “So what is your retirement plan?” Mild panic! How to respond? You mutter something generic then go away and find your mind is running riot with thoughts of how you are going to spend the next phase of your life. Do we have enough money? Will we travel? Where will we live? What do we want out of life? And perhaps the biggest (often unspoken) question of all….How can each of us make sure we are choosing a life that will make us content? [Read more…]