Would you like to combine freedom and income in your retirement planning?
For many years the golden freedom of retirement was dangled in front of our generation of baby boomers. We aspired to “retire early”, encouraged by the financial planning advertisements of the 1980s. Retirement was considered the reward for a lifetime of working hard. It could be a time of adventure and relaxation. A time for pursuing passions and engaging in activities that you never had time to pursue while you were working.
Much of that still holds great appeal….I want the freedom, the adventure and the relaxation. Time to indulge my interests and do new things. Time to travel and have fun. But at what price? When you are working you are used to having a regular income. But when you retire you start living off whatever you have accumulated. Is it time to reconsider your retirement income? Could you reinvent yourself, that is do something completely different or do the same work in a different way?
Is Retirement Now A Transition Time To Your Next Step?
I don’t want to wake up one morning and realize I no longer have economic purpose and challenge in my life. It worries me to consider our retirement savings disappearing faster than we expected just because we wanted to live the life we enjoy. I don’t want to feel, or be treated, like an ‘old person’. With luck there will be plenty of years ahead when that will be inevitable, but now isn’t that time. [Read more…]