Free Professional Retirement Planning Guide Available

Have you ever thought about retirement planning? Have you have ever wished you could create a future lifestyle that you would love? Don’t just drift into a lifestyle that isn’t quite right for you. Do some thinking and planning now so you can create the future that you really want.

Our free professional Retirement Planning Guide will help you to consider what it is that really matters to you, then plan your future to make that happen.

Do you identify with one of these groups?

Despite the commonly held myth that every worker wants to retire to a life of leisure it seems to me that people fall roughly into three distinct categories as they consider retirement.

Group 1: The Traditionalist

Retirement conjures up thoughts of no paid work, of relaxation, of pursuing your interests at your leisure.  This often involves travel, baby sitting grandchildren and something purposeful such as volunteer work.

Group 2: The Traditionalist Who Wants Some Additional Income

This group often aspires to Group 1’s activities, but they are a bit more concerned about their financial health.

If you fit into this group, chances are your brain is shouting at you …”Money! I haven’t got enough Superannuation and Assets to keep me going a long time. What if I live until I’m 95??? My money will run out before I do.”

And then the thoughts turn to “Is there any way I could create more income when I’m getting closer to retirement?”

This group of people often look for paid work after they retire.  If they are offering their services as a consultant in their area of expertise it can be a lucrative and rewarding transition from full-time employment.

However if the work that is being sought has nothing at all to do with their pre-retirement career it can be tough. Many great workers, despite skills and experience, encounter age discrimination or can’t get work because their job search techniques are too dated.

Group 3: The Senior Entrepreneur – The ‘Boomerpreneur

This group have emerged in recent years as technology made working anywhere possible if you have an internet connection. They seek a lifestyle business that will enable them to do the things they want to do, but also have an economic purpose to their activities.  They want the challenge of business, but not the demanding hours of working everyday all year. Many have an urge to help others through their lifetime of skills and experience.

Do you have a plan for the next phase of your life? Plan the life that you really want now! Get our comprehensive Retirement Planning Guide

Your Guide to Retirement Planning

“Create A Future You Will Love”

Start by getting our comprehensive free professional retirement planning guide Create a Future You Will Love to help you create the life you want in the next phase of your life.

Then don’t miss out on our posts and emails that will open your eyes to many possibilities which you have never considered. There are so many wonderful ways in which you can use your skills and experience.

How Young at Heart Can Help You

Group 1: Would you a Traditional Retirement?

We grew up with a traditional retirement, particularly an early retirement, being the carrot that was dangled before us as the goal to strive for. But reality doesn’t always meet our expectations, does it. For many people a traditional retirement is their ideal lifestyle, full of bucket list achievements and purposeful activities. The retirement planning guide “Create a Future You’ll Love” will help you to determine if your dream of a traditional retirement is right for you, and will help you start to plan your future lifestyle.

 Group 2: Would you like to Get a Job?

Perhaps you would like to have an additional stream of income regularly boosting your retirement savings. Or perhaps the desire for more purpose in your life, or the social aspect of work, have lead you to consider getting a job. Yet it can seem so daunting to start a job search as an older worker.  You can improve your chances dramatically by using the right strategies. We have many articles and resources to help you with your job search. It’s what we have done for years.  Our retirement planning guide will help you determine if this is a good option for you.

Group 3: Would you like to Create a Business?

Baby Boomers are a high proportion of the people starting new businesses. Recently retired people, or those planning to retire soon, frequently seek possible ways of bringing a new challenge into their lives, of giving themselves a new identity.  Some choose to earn income from the same skills that formed the core of their previous employment.  Others learn completely new skills to create an online business.

We are so fortunate to live in a country, and in an era, when we have these choices.  Each has its own wonderful merits.  You can choose whichever suits you the best, then live that lifestyle to the full!

Previous Post: Decision Time – Planning Your Retirement Life

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Are you ready to start planning for your future retirement lifestyle?

Retirement planning guide

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